Monday, October 24, 2011

Stencil Project

In this project we were assigned to find 3 random pictures & out of those 3 pictures we all chose one. We got 1 very long stick of wood to cut out to a certain length & nailed the 4 smaller peices of wood to make a frame. We then stapled cardboard on the back of the frame to make a canvas thingy.. we put our pictures onto projecters & then we traced them on a white sheet of paper. We cut out the outlines of the picture so their were no wondering islands & then spray painted the cutout with lots of cool colors.
Picture 1: I'm stapling the cardboard to the frame.

Picture 2: I'm adding staples to the staple gun.

Picture 3: I'm begging to spray paint.

Picture 4:

Picture 5: I'm painting white over the parts on the cardboard that should not have been spray painted.

Picture 6: I'm DONE.

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