Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mud Project

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

In this project Jessica, Charlie and I traced an outline of a picture of a man on a horse (picture 1) and then poked holes through the trace of the picture. We went outside and placed the traced picture with the holes on it on the ground and then rubbed orange chalk over the holes so the outline of the picture would show through onto the sidewalk. We were suppost to be able to see a good outline of the picture, but the orange outline of the picture looked nothing like the original picture so we made due by painting mud (picture 2, jessica is getting more mud to paint on the ground with.) on the sidewalk of a unicorn, and Charlie drew a stick figure on top of the unicorn. The third picture is what it looked like when it was finished, hope you like it! :D

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